jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Oh my!

No sé qué es mejor, que me hayan escrito un poema o que alguien lea mi blog y capte lo que escribo.

En un acto súuuuper cómplice: Un poema de E. (http://atari206.tumblr.com/)

Déjà Vu

"Remember the place?
The conversations?
And remember the colthes?,

Remember the drinks?
The music?
And remember 'the moment' enclosed?..

Gess it's time I tell,
My side of the story, that day we said farewell...

Years have gone by,
And we still stay intouch,
Yet both of us, have been trhough so much...

That very day,
That I spent with you,
When we talked for hours
Déjà vu we both pursued,
That very same day,
We created so much body heat,
In case ypu were wondering,
I was too tainted with 'cold feet'.."

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